Comprehensive Energy Psychology
What is Energy Psychology?
Energy Psychology is considered part of complementary and alternative medicine and is supported by a growing body of research. It is comprised of a family of energy-oriented modalities, that are mind/body centered and have shown that they may help people experience positive outcomes.
Energy Psychology practitioners may work with various subtle energy systems of the body such as the biofield, chakras and meridians. There is solid and evidence-supported research showing that working with meridians via tapping techniques, like EFT and TFT can help down-regulate or calm our stress response, optimally balance the energy components in the body, support the release of limiting beliefs, help to transform our physical experience of overwhelming life events and even access our peak performance. In the Comprehensive model, we can customize the techniques based on an individual’s built-in biofeedback system and subconscious. Outcomes are often quicker than traditional talk therapy and last.
Multiple research studies have shown comprehensive energy psychology (CEP) to be effective for:
Food cravings
Trauma and PTSD
Peak athletic performance
The approach tends to be non-invasive and may empower clients with self-regulation tools and a deeper sense of the interconnectedness of thoughts, spirituality, memories, emotions, sensations, and our energetic flow; a deeper integration.
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